Not only was this a great victory for the newly formed army but a shock to King George III. This struck anger to the king and he ordered more troops and ships to squash the tiny ungrateful colonists. He knew his massive world class force would show that the British were in control of the world scene. He had just won a war with France and all nations were watching his resolve.
It seemed obvious that the British would return to fight in New York since it was such an important strategic naval location. The many rivers and channels were a major part of the matrix of the British authority to rule New England. It was now 1776 and the Continental Congress was busy developing a document for the independence of the new nation while George Washington was away fighting the British invasion force.
The Continental Army was split into two parts. The battle of Canada which had won the canon used in Boston and the battle of New York.
12/31/1775 The Battle of Quebec @ Quebec City, Province of Quebec - American Defeat > The Battle of Quebec was an attempt on December 31, 1775, by American colonial forces to capture the city of Quebec, drive the British military from the Province of Quebec, and enlist French Canadian support for the American Revolutionary War. The British governor of Quebec, General Guy Carleton, could not get significant outside help because the St. Lawrence River was frozen, so he had to rely on a relatively small number of regulars along with local militia that had been raised in the city. Richard Montgomery and Benedict Arnold led a force of about 1,200 American army forces and Canadian militia in a multi-pronged attack on the city, which, due to bad weather and bad timing, did not start well, and ended with Montgomery dead, Arnold wounded, and Daniel Morgan and more than 400 men captured. Following a somewhat ineffectual five-month siege, the American forces were driven to retreat by the arrival of ships from England carrying British troops in early May 1776. The battle was the first military defeat for the Continental Army. - - Click Here to Continue - -
Washington wanted to burn the city of New York so the British could not use it's developed resources but the Continental Congress would not hear of it. They wanted to protect the people in New York and ordered Washington to do it.
He didn't see how he could take on the gigantic war power of Britain and win unless they used a solid strategy. It looked hopeless to fight them head on with his newly formed army against the professional "regular" army of the British.
He proceeded to do his duty as he was ordered despite his opposition to this strategy.
New York was a perfect battle field for the British with their tremendous naval power and their professional army mixed with Hessian mercenary troops from Germany. Just their overwhelming numbers of soldiers and ships was impossible to overlook. Things looked hopeless. The enemy overwhelmed the American force, hoping that the Continental Army would see the impossible odds and surrender on the first few hours of battle.
8/27/1776 The Battle of Long Island (Brooklyn Heights) Long Island, NY - British Win
> The British recognized the strategic importance of New York as the focal point for communications between the northern and southern colonies. Washington also recognized this, and in April of 1776 he marched his troops from Boston to New York. He positioned his troops on the western end of Long Island in anticipation of the British arrival. The American outpost of Colonel Edward Hand's sent word that the British were preparing to cross Long Island from Staten Island on August 22, at dawn. There were three frigates, the Phoenix, Rose, and Greyhound, and two bomb ketches named Carcass and Thunder, in Gravesend Bay - - Click Here to Continue - -
The Americans didn't know that the British General and commander-in-chief William Howe was trying to impress the colonists enough for them to surrender and apologize for their lack of appreciation of the crown. He was intending a "shock and awe" program that would overwhelm the colonists and then stop early in the attack to have an early win.
This amazing attack did surprise many of the patriots enough for them to stop fighting and run away. Those patriots that stayed were overrun, and they had to run away to survive. Except those that were true patriots regrouped and fought again. Others just layed down their arms and were captured early in the battle.
On August 21, 1776 the invasion began. Brooklyn Heights was the main defensive position for the Continental Army. Washington also had canon placed on the Manhattan side of the east river to shut down British ships from invading.
When the British invasion began there was not only canon and rifle fire, but a full British band playing music on the battlefield.
Lord Richard Howe commanded the British invasion and planned for everything.
His forces overtook everything in Long Island and under the cover of darkness the Continental Army escaped across the east river into Manhattan.Howe was surprised and followed. The earth works were paying off but the British were large in numbers and had a well trained army.
But the Americans were able to make a dent in the British invasion since they were fighting behind fortifications. Even though the British routed the Americans they took heavy casualties. The British were surprised to see how well the "farmers" were able to fortify their locations which was quite different than the European style of battle etiquette.
Howe held back at times and did not take advantage of the Colonial Army to show his gracious desire of forgiveness. He was hoping for a complete surrender. This didn't happen. The Continental Army fought ferociously but were overwhelmed by the large numbers of troops that were advancing to overtake the fortifications.
Howe held back at times and did not take advantage of the Colonial Army to show his gracious desire of forgiveness. He was hoping for a complete surrender. This didn't happen. The Continental Army fought ferociously but were overwhelmed by the large numbers of troops that were advancing to overtake the fortifications.
The patriots had built forts and fortifications even in Manhattan. There was no stopping now. The British were overrunning everything but the patriots escaped time after time by running away and regrouping further north.
The British followed into Manhattan and challenged the Americans again and again and took heavy casualties due to their attack lines against the American fortifications in Harlem Heights. By pure numbers the British overran Washington's troops and almost cut them off from heading north to cross the Hudson River by boats, ferry, and a bridge.
At one point Washington "froze" as he watched his soldiers running away with the enemy coming fast. As he was motionless with the British moving fast to shoot or capture him Washington's aides pulled his horse away and saved his life. It seemed as though he was ready to lay down his life for his country at that time.
12/26/11/16/1776 The Battle of Ft Washington Washington Heights, Manhattan, NY - British Win > Heavy rains spoiled Maj. Gen, William Howe's planned second attack on the American army near White Plains on October 31. The next day the Americans were found to be apparently well entrenched at North Castle Heights.
The rebel earthworks were composed largely of cornstalks pulled from nearby fields, whose roots, full of clinging soil, faced outward. Howe may have been discouraged by these illusory defenses, but his goal remained the complete removal of American troops from Manhattan, not the annihilation of Washington's army. His attention returned to Fort Washington which the American commander in chief had left garrisoned under Col. Robert Magaw after a general rebel evacuation of the island.Synopsis: - - Click Here to Continue - -
The patriots made earth works and made small fortresses to hide behind. There were two forts on both sides of the Hudson with sunken skips under the water with masts sticking out to stop the British ships from heading upriver. They also put canon at three locations on the East river to stop ships from flanking them during battle. This was going to be almost impossible to defy the greatest military power in the world at this location, but they prepared for the battle.
As the Continental Army escaped into New Jersey the Hessians were after them as they traveled southward. Howe stopped his attack in hope to win the spirit of the colonists back into favor with the British crown. This worked for awhile but eventually failed.
The militia soldiers were difficult to manage at best. They would not take orders well and used resources as fast they could get them. Enlistments were up soon for most of his troops with the war just beginning. Washington wanted to create a strong army with officers that were well trained and disciplined. He wanted men that would stand their ground. He wanted troops that could fight and then regroup in an organized and military fashion. Washington had learned how well the professional troops of the British knew the craft of warfare. He wanted his troops to be able to match them on the battlefield.
The British had a difficult time replacing their troops since Britain was so far away. The Colonists had an advantage of defending their homes and country. When the call was made to recruit a new army Washington was up for the task.
The battered army of the colonialists were very close to destruction but the will of the patriots carried them as they fled South across New Jersey and then across the Delaware river just before a freezing rain hit.
The Hessians were not taking prisoners. While chasing the Colonists the Hessians were executing American soldiers that were left behind due to injury or illness. This knowledge motivated the Americans to keep going no matter how bad the injury. A blood trail was left behind the patriots as they managed to escape.
An unusual extreme freezing rain hit the Hessians after the Americans escaped across the Delaware. Huge Ice chunks in the river were making crossing impossible. The storm was so extreme that it was impossible for the Hessians to continue their attack.
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